
Building on our long history and heritage in the field of orthopaedic medical devices, LockDown has been delivering excellent outcomes in soft tissue reconstruction for more than 15 years.

Many thousands of devices have been used in acromioclavcular reconstruction over more than 15 years all over the world. This weight of clinical evidence combined with exceptional patient satisfaction means LockDown should be the technique of choice in both chronic and acute settings.


LockDown are committed to providing educational content around our products. The weight of clinical evidence, both born out of and supplemented by our relationships with key opinion leaders around the world is presented here along with clinical presentations and (for Medical Professionals) videos revealing the nuances around our surgical techniques.


Richard Evans

“LockDown™ was first introduced as a method of addressing failed ACJ surgery and this was how I was introduced to the technique. It has since gained popularity as a primary method of stabilizing the disrupted ACJ and I have routinely used it as my first choice for ACJ reconstruction for over 6 years.”

Richard Evans, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon The University Hospital of Wales Cardiff