Celebrating Women in Engineering

LockDown Medical have a great team of product engineers. In the run-up to #INWED22, we sat down with the female members of the team to find out more about their role as engineers and the importance of women in the industry.

International Women in Engineering Day, celebrates the amazing work that women engineers around the world are doing to support lives and livelihoods every day.

“Being a woman in engineering at the moment is really exciting, there’s so much happening in the industry that not only celebrates women that are in engineering, but encourages women to come into the industry”

Safah Shaikh
Design Engineer

“My hopes for the future of women in engineering are that it continues to thrive, I hope that any woman looking to pursue in a career in engineering goes for it.”

Ruth Mullany
Project Development Manager

“If there are any women out there considering a career in engineering, I would literally just say GO FOR IT!”

Kiran Hayer
Design Engineer

About LockDown

Our core product Lockdown LSSS™, is a double braided augmentation device, designed to provide fixation during the healing process following an acromioclavicular separation due to coracoclavicular ligament disruption.

With over 2,000 implantations globally every year, the Lockdown LSSS™ device offers excellent clinical results and patient satisfaction outcomes. A simple, reproducible surgical procedure requires no holes in the coracoid and a fast rehabilitation process.

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